Laura Elizabeth offers timeless, elegant and sustainable jewelry. Handmade mama-friendly (durable) necklaces, that you can swim, sweat, and shower in.
My friend Raychel Dara and I met in a gym class over 3 years ago. On our warm up run she heard me talking dirty talk with a fellow girlfriend. And, she said, "Hold up! I'm running with you!" You can't help but have fun when you hang out with Raychel Dara. She's SPICY, hence naming a spice after her! She's all smiles. She lives and loves with all of her heart. And nobody's hugs even come close to hers. Best hugger!
I didn't know Raychel Dara before she had Cancer. She may have always grabbed life by the horns (she would prefer I say, "balls")? I don't know. My life is so much richer with her in it. Her honesty and vulnerability around her experience with Cancer and family is humbling. She's my shining (north) star. She compassionately reminds me to brighten up when I'm focusing too heavily on something negative. If you don't have someone like her in your life, I highly recommend one. Game changer!