Eco-Friendly Laundry Hacks: Choosing Dryer Balls Over Fabric Softeners | Verte Mode

Eco-Friendly Laundry Hacks: Choosing Dryer Balls Over Fabric Softeners | Verte Mode

POV: It’s laundry day, you gather up your clothes piled in your hamper from the past couple days, you grab your detergent and your eco-friendly dryer balls. Although not the most exciting chore, you feel good about the mindful decision to replace your traditional dryer sheets and fabric softener for dryer balls. A fresh approach to laundry has emerged and we’ve got you covered with all the insights you need about dryer balls and their eco-friendly impact they offer compared to conventional fabric softeners and single-use dryer sheets.

The Green Way To Laundry: The Benefits Of Using Dryer Balls

So, what exactly are Dryer Balls? Well, they’re exactly what the name suggests, but to be more specific, dryer balls are most commonly made from rubber or fabric. They’re used to help speed up the drying process, soften clothes and minimize static. Fabric softeners, although meant to soften clothes, actually contain many synthetic ingredients which have been known to irritate the skin and cause allergies, all of which can be avoided when replaced with dryer balls. Additionally, unlike dryer sheets, which are designed for single use and made from non-recyclable materials, dryer balls offer a more sustainable solution.

Dryer Ball Must-Haves

Verte Mode has recently added Hustle and Blush dryer balls to our site and are so excited to share them with you. The Fluff Ewes dryer balls are made from some of the finest wool in the world, sourced sustainably from New Zealand. Not only do they act as natural fabric softener, they’re also chemical free, and contribute to energy conservation, which can lead to savings on your utility bills.

Hustle and Blush - Fluff Ewes Natural Wool Dryer Balls: "Classics" 6 Pack

Hustle and Blush - Fluff Ewes "Fun In The Sun" Premium Wool Dryer Balls: Set Of 6


Hustle and Blush - Fluff Ewes "Are We There Yet?" Premium Wool Dryer Balls: Set Of 6



Hustle and Blush - Fluff Ewes "Rain(Bow) Or Shine" Premium Wool Dryer Balls: Set Of 6


Hustle and Blush - Fluff Ewes Natural Wool Dryer Balls, Holiday Edition: "Sheep In Heavenly Peace" 3 Pack

Hustle and Blush - Fluff Ewes Natural Wool Dryer Balls, Holiday Edition: "Sheep In Heavenly Peace" 6 Pack


Hustle and Blush - Pair Of Fluff Ewes Natural Wool Dryer Balls: Bundled Set Of 3-Pack For Darks & 3-Pack For Lights/Whites

Hustle and Blush - Fluff Ewes "Bag Of Marbles" DYE FREE Natural Wool Dryer Balls, Set Of 3     

Say goodbye to chemical filled softeners and damaged clothes, sustainable dryer balls are here to stay! The simple yet effective use of dryer balls are significantly better for the environment and save you time which ultimately saves you money. Embracing dryer balls not only enhances your laundry routine by softening clothes and reducing static, but it also contributes to a healthier planet. Verte Mode is thrilled to offer Hustle and Blush dryer balls and has additional eco-friendly laundry essentials that you can find on our site. 

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