5 Things Everyone Needs in Their Home | Verte Mode


sustainable products for home


 Everyone has those certain items around their homes that they just can’t live without. But how many of those things are sustainable? 


Sometimes, the most convenient things we love using aren't as eco-friendly as we would like. For example, using disposable things like Ziploc bags, plastic straws, and cotton rounds definitely make life easier, but they only contribute to the waste problem our world is facing.


That's why we've found 5 household items that everyone should have in their homes that are eco-friendly, sustainable, and convenient!


SWZLE Stainless Steel Bent Drinking Straws
By using a SWZLE Stainless Steel Straw for all of your drinks, you’ll be able to enjoy the convenience of using a straw without the guilt of having to throw it away.

Net Zero Bamboo Cotton Rounds


Net Zero Bamboo Cotton Rounds



Likewise, by switching from regular cotton pads to Net Zero Bamboo Cotton Rounds, you can cleanse your face without producing waste. They can be reused over and over again, and work just as well, if not better than disposable cotton rounds!


Net Zero Silicone Sealer Bags


Net Zero Silicone Sealer Bags



By switching from regular plastic resealable bags to Net Zero Silicone Sealer Bags, you won’t have to worry about constantly throwing away bag after bag. Not only is this better for the environment, but it will save you money in the long run!







With the FLÎKR Fire, you can enjoy the warmth and glow of a fire without having to burn wood,  which contributes to bad air quality.



Splash Mats


Splash Mats


Finally, with an easy-to-clean, non-slip silicone Splash Mat, you can keep your pet’s eating area tidy without having to waste cleaning products every single day!
So, which item would you love to have in your home, and which sustainable products do you already own and use? Let us know in the comments below!




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